Security Patrol Pilot Program

Maningrida Community has contracted Visual Security to provide security patrol services for the community using two guards with dogs and vehicles patrolling the community each night.

This pilot program has been in operation since December 2022 and is currently being reviewed by NT Police to see if the program can continue to maintain the reduction of break-ins and vandalism in the community over the last 6 months.


MPA Board engaged Visual Security to provide one security guard/dog handler with guard dog and vehicles from 23 August 2022 to patrol the MPA premises. This was in response to a series of break-ins and vandalisim attacks on their compound.

The immediate effect was a 100% reduction of all forced entry and vadalism activities at the MPA compound.

MPA Board put a proposal to other agencies in the community to jointly fund Visual Security to run a community wide security program covering all commercial premises in Maningrida. An agreement was reached to fund the program for 12 months.

Key stakeholders:

  • Dept of Chief Minister - NTG
  • MPA Inc.
  • BAC Outstation
  • Mala La Health Services
  • West Arnhem Regional Council
  • Dukurrdji Lodge
  • One68 Takeawa


P: 08 89 796000

© 2023 Maningrida Progress Association Incorporated.