MPA Chairperson – Shane Namanurki - Gunubidji/Nakgara Man
- Elder & leader of the Nabbarnda Clan Group
- Highly respected member of Maningrida Community
- Land of the Dukurridji people
- Speaks out loud and clear at big community meetings
- Help build better relationships between Indigenous and Non-indigenous people through N.I.A.A (National Indigenous Australian Agency) and Njamareya Elders, leaders and Justice Group
- Member for West Arnhem Regional Council, Local Authority.
- Member for Mala’la Health Board
- Has worked at BAC Money Management as Financial Capability Worker. NIAA- I.E.O- Indigenous Engagement Officer.
- Employment Services, J.P.O- Job Placement Officer.
- Community Night Patrol Coordinator.
My message to our children and teenagers is:
"I would like to see graduates come out of school educated and ready to look for work.
Don’t waste your education. Don’t get married too soon. Your reading, writing and speaking in good English will get you a good job.
Become a member of an Aboriginal organisation, be a somebody, be reconised by Aboriginal and non - aboriginal people.
You will be Maningrida’s future leaders. Make your family, tribe, language group and the whole of Maningrida proud of you!"- become a somebody.
- Try and stop the violence that's happening in the community.
- Stop the drug and grog running.
- Get kids to school everyday.
- Kids are our future leaders - they need your help at home and in school.
- Stop the violence in front of kids.
- Lets together clean up the mess on Dukurridji Land.
- Make Maningrida a safe place to work and live.
Shane Namanurki