MPA Inc. was incorporated under the Associations Act NT 2003 and is also reporting to the Australian Charities and Not For Profit Commission.

As a not-for-profit organisation, earnings generated from MPA businesses are put back into the community through donations to funeral ceremonies in Maningrida and surrounding homelands, repairs and maintenance to the community hall and contribution to community-based sport and cultural activities.

Funeral ceremonies and Sorry Business for local Bininj people can take place over a long period of time and with many family and clan members involved in the process, financial support is invaluable.

Town Hall

MPA Inc. has been striving to lead the negotiations for a new town hall. A report by GHD in 2022 re-affirmed that the current Town Hall is beyond repair, not cyclone safe and suitable for demolition. A new building suitable for recreational activities and as a cyclone shelter will cost approx. $15M.


MPA Inc. has led the community with the Visual Security Pilot program. This program proved to be a good investment for the community and the in-kind component will be shown as a community donation in the 2022-23 accounts.

Maningrida Aerial Gallery
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P: 08 89 796000

© 2023 Maningrida Progress Association Incorporated.